Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yoga For Pregnancy Can Help Before, During And After The Birth

It seems strange to even read that someone can be practicing yoga while giving birth to a baby, but there are some poses that can actually help the delivery process and make child birth a less painful and traumatic time for many mothers.

However, the caveat is that you should try yoga even before you become pregnant so that your body is not trying something completely new with a baby growing inside. Of course, some people try yoga for the first time with a prenatal yoga DVD because of the aches and pains they feel with the first trimester nausea and bloating and the muscle cramps, swollen feet and heartburn that does not really make them feel like hitting the gym.

Yoga is a non-drug method of soothing the aches and pains based on thousands of years of ancient practices and time tested asanas or poses and breathing and relaxation techniques.

If you are expecting a baby and would like to stay fit for the next nine months of your life, it is a great deal to invest in a pregnancy yoga DVD as the whole family may join in and have some time to connect with one another.

The pelvic rock, the camel pose and tree pose are just a few of the moves in a pregnancy yoga DVD that can help energize and revitalize your system if you are feeling sluggish during the pregnancy days. Shoulder stretches and a queen dancer pose are also some asanas that the famous Lamaze institute recommends with prenatal yoga DVD as it can help strengthen the core muscles and make them ready for labor and delivery.

Speaking of which there are some yoga poses that you can use even while in the delivery room such as squats, downward facing dog pose (with support of course) and the cat or cow pose. They may seem to be Greek to the laywoman, but once you get a great pregnancy yoga DVD, it will become simpler with time and practice.

If you are suffering from even the mild baby blues or also known as postpartum depression, it is important to continue mild yoga poses with your doctor's permission. If you have had a cesarean section or if you had multiples or a complicate delivery and episiotomy, it might not be recommend for you until you are completely healed.

However, for those who went through a normal procedure, many doctors do give the go ahead for a some pregnancy yoga DVD poses to get back into shape. Feel better about yourself, look better and be a better role model for your family.

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