Monday, May 25, 2009

Yeast Infection Medicine During Pregnancy

If you do realize you are suffering from a yeast infection you can get medication over the counter at the local pharmacy without a prescription. If you are not showing then it is important to let the pharmacist know that you are looking for yeast infection medicine during pregnancy.

All of the medication over the counter for yeast infection medicine during pregnancy is the same as for Candida or thrush. It is however not the same for oral thrush. Since you have informed them you are looking for yeast infection medicine during pregnancy they will only give you creams to use that are safe for you and your baby. Since antibiotics orally will not be given to treat the infection, there are other ways to treat yeast infection medicine during pregnancy holistically and homoeopathically. Please ask for your gynecologist's approval before you go and do this yourself, as you don't want to harm your baby in any way by just administering your own yeast infection medicine during pregnancy.

Since having any infection is not the greatest of things a woman can have, it is one of those things due to the pregnancy that will happen at least once. You have no control over your hormones that are in total overdrive. You may also suffer from other ailments due to the hormones, like you may even get warts or other growths on your body or genitals which need to be removed after the baby is born.

As if the morning sickness isn't enough throughout the day, you still have to contend with all of this and running to the loo frequently as the baby presses on your bladder, and of course there are the piles and the hemorrhoids that you could also get.

If you do find that you are continuously using yeast infection medicine during pregnancy more than you would like consult your gynecologist as they could suggest other remedies or suggest extra vitamins and tonics to curb this from occurring too often. Often the most natural thing to curb urinal and bladder infections is pure mixed berry juice; you could also use a tea with ginger and apple cider vinegar to curb it, as this has been used for centuries for infections of the bladder, kidneys and urinary tract.

Do not just use oral medication that your friends or family may recommend as oral medication is the last thing you wish to take to fight an infection. Check with your doctor if you are still in doubt.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Perioral Dermatitis Pregnancy: Is it Hard to Treat?

If you have ever been pregnant, then you know just how difficult it can be when you are dealing with a sickness or health problem of any kind, to take care of it. With most things you are not able to just take care of it regularly, no problem, as you would have before. You have to make sure that you are not going to be causing the baby any harm, or yourself during this delicate time in your life.

Now if you are suffering from dermatitis herpetiformis also known as perioral dermatitis while you are going through pregnancy, of course you are probably feeling pretty bad and want to get it taken care of, but again you are going to have to make sure that you are keeping yourself and your baby safe.

To treat perioral dermatitis pregnancy, you will basically be fine as long as you stick to using only all natural products.

If you need to treat perioral dermatitis pregnancy, there are a few top picks for all natural products that you can use which will be safe for you and baby. One of the best choices to treat perioral dermatitis pregnancy is Karite Gold Shea Butter. This is one product that is completely natural and so you know that it will be fine to use if you have perioral dermatitis pregnancy.

It works not only for this skin condition but as well a variety of others and this includes dry chapped lips, skin rashes, psoriasis, athlete’s foot and cracked feet.

Or maybe you want to try some home remedies. Putting yogurt on the affected skin has proven to work wonders and most people have a container of yogurt on hand at their home already. You can try this, because the worst case scenario is that it just won’t work for you, but at least you can say that you tried.

Make sure that you talk to your doctor more about this before you try treating perioral dermatitis pregnancy on your own. It is not worth it just to clear up your skin and feel better about yourself if it means that you are going to be harming the baby in any way, and so you really want to get the advice of a physician and have them tell you what you should be doing here.

It is nice to know that there are lots of great options for natural treatments that you can use to treat your skin condition.

Monday, May 18, 2009

How Effective Is Pregnancy Stretch Mark Lotion?

Okay, so you found out you were pregnant with your first child! Great and wonderful for you, hope you have lots of fun with all the changes that are going to happen to you in the next nine months. Besides that everyone around you says you are suddenly glowing, they don’t get to see you when you are hurling up regularly from something that you saw or something that you smelt in the air that made you throw up. Wonderful thoughts we have here already.

And then there were the hormones that ran haywire, while you were looking so great too. And then it happened, you started to stretch, and the thoughts of you body after the birth nearly gave you nightmares. You picked up nearly thirty kilograms and your gynecologist told you if you didn’t stop eating so much he would put a mouth brace on you.

Yes, yes, there is a birth, but there is also a hell of a lot of stretch marks to go with it. Luckily for you, someone clever invented pregnancy stretch mark lotion, not just for you but for the other blossoming woman too out there that ate their way into near oblivion. As silly as you may think, pregnancy stretch mark lotion is not only for those who are and were pregnant; it is a marketing tool that makes people important when in their own specific situations. Yes, men can use it too if they wanted to, the pregnancy stretch mark lotion wont do anything to them such as grow female organs as such. What they don’t realize and maybe what they should is that the pregnancy stretch mark lotion would have the best ingredients in them to lessen, and maybe remove those cracked lines they could find riddled over their bodies. Way too much time was wasted on the paranoia of growing female organs, while a lot of marks could have been gone by now. Call it an ego thing! Guaranteed if the bottle said lotion for male stretch marks instead of pregnancy stretch mark lotion, a lot more sales could be made to target the men on the planet, not only pregnant woman.

One thing is for certain that with you skin being so elastic when you are pregnant, not even the pregnancy stretch mark lotion or the stretch mark removal lotion will take it all away at the end of the day. You would still have to either diet and or exercise to get those muscles back into order which will tighten up the skin too. No, it’s not that easy getting back to your old self after having a baby.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Check Your Risk of Osteoporosis With a Bone Density Test

Bone density tests let you to know if you are at risk of developing osteoporosis. Not that long ago, the only way osteoporosis could be detected was after you broke a bone. But by then, your bones were probably already very weak. These days, bone density tests, also known as densitometry or DEXA scans, can diagnosis osteoporosis or are the risk of developing it long before you break any bones.

If the mineral content in your bones is high, that means they are dense. Dense bones are strong and there's less chance of breakage. Bone density tests utilize X-rays to detect calcium and other minerals present in the bone. The results will let you know how your bone mass compares to other people of your gender and age and what your risk of developing the condition is.

It's suggested that you have a bone density scan if you are over the age of 65, or over 60 and experiencing any symptoms of osteoporosis. Bone density tests are usually performed two years apart so they can measure any change.

People of Caucasian and Asian origin are most at risk of developing osteoporosis. Women are four times more likely to have the condition, so if your doctor recommends one, you're best to follow his or her advice. If you are in a high risk category, don't put off having a bone density test performed.

Bone density tests can reveal a lot about bone mass, but they can't tell you why your bone density is low. For that, you need a complete medical history and a physical.

Bone density tests are typically performed on bones which are more vulnerable to breakage from osteoporosis. This includes the lumbar vertebrae near the base of your spine, the femur bone near the hip, and the bones in your forearms and wrists.

The equipment used to test bone density will be either a large machine on which you lie down, or a smaller, portable machine that measures density on the edges of your bone structure, like your heel, wrist or finger. These portable machines are sometimes available in a pharmacy so you can get tested without having to visit your doctor.

The result of a bone density test is a T-Score which let you known how you compare to a young adult of the same gender. Zero indicates that you have the bones of a 30 year old. Anything above -1 is considered acceptable. A score of -1 to -2.5 puts you in the category of having pre-osteoporosis or osteopenia. Under -2.5 is considered to be fully developed osteoporosis.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Consider the Risks Before Having Cosmetic Surgery

In the medical field these days, cosmetic surgery is among the leading surgical procedures. Because of new, innovative techniques as well as improved surgical techniques, cosmetic surgery is considered to be safe and effective.

However, although rare, there are still risks and potential complications, just as there is with any surgical procedure.

The chances of experiencing complications when undergoing cosmetic surgery depend a lot on the type of procedure being undertaken. Another consideration is the patient's structure and wellness.

Here is a list of a few of the typical risks and complications that are linked to cosmetic surgery:

* Bleeding - Bleeding is quite typical within the 24 hours immediately following a surgical procedure and can sometimes lead to complications. On occasion, blood will pool and collect beneath the skin to create what is known as a hematoma. It might cause you to have to make a second trip to the operating room in order to drain it. As well, a large hematoma can place you at risk of further complications such as infection, necrosis and wound separation.

* Possible adverse reactions – The sutures used to stitch you up following the surgical procedure are foreign substances. Therefore it's not unusual for the body to experience an adverse reaction to them. Problems such as spitting sutures, abscesses and granulomas may occur. If left untreated, further infection may develop.

* Necrosis - This is a process wherein body tissue dies as a result of oxygen deprivation. Higher risk operations have an increased risk for the patient to develop necrosis. These procedures include breast reduction surgery, tummy tucks and face lifts.

These are just a few of the potential risks involved in cosmetic surgery. Be sure to discuss the risks with your surgeon and don't proceed until all your questions are answered to your satisfaction.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Learn to Identify the Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a time in a woman's life when her ovaries cease the production of estrogen. When her estrogen levels are low, menopausal symptoms begin to appear. If she hasn't had a period for one full year, she is officially in menopause. It's a complicated process, but completely natural and it will happen to every woman. However, each woman will have different symptoms.

Some fortunate women may never experience menopause symptoms at all. However, it's believed that approximately 75 percent of women will have some kind of menopause symptoms. The degree and frequency of these symptoms will also vary according to the individual.

Typically, the symptoms of menopause range from mood swings to hot flashes to night sweats. Mood swings are actually very common in menopausal women, and greatly resemble the symptoms of PMS. Other common indications of menopause are periods that become erratic, as well as urinary tract or vaginal infections.

Irregular periods, both in frequency, intensity and duration, are a common precursor of menopause. In some instances, periods may be shorter than usual, or sometimes much longer. As well, bleeding can range from heavy to light. The amount of time between your periods may also vary considerably.

Hot flashes are another symptom of menopause. A hot flash is an unexpected sensation of intense heat which passes through your body. You will notice that your face becomes red, you start to sweat profusely, and you might become anxious or irritable. A hot flash is highly unpleasant, but completely unavoidable. They can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. Most women swear it lasts much longer than that. Once again, though, it differs depending on the individual.

Generally, hot flashes are predominant in the first two years following the onset of menopause and gradually diminish. However, some women will continue to experience them for several years after menopause. One woman was known to be experiencing hot flashes at the age of 80.

Hot flashes that take place in the nighttime can interrupt your sleep. Indeed, many women find that their bedding gets soaked with sweat when a hot flash occurs during the night.

Vaginal dryness is another symptom of menopause, along with itchiness and irritation. Few women have major problems with these conditions immediately following menopause, but they will progress through time. Medical professionals believe that about half of all women over 60 years of age experience vaginal dryness to some extent. It's interesting to note that having regular sexual intercourse can help keep this problem under control.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Taking Care of Your Health After Childbirth

Childbirth is one of the most wonderful things a woman can experience, and also one of the most painful. But the instant your baby appears, you will feel a kind of happiness that nothing can compare to. You'll be caught up in taking of your baby for some time to come, but it's still important that you take care of yourself. Keep in mind that your personal health is critical to keep both you and your baby protected from illness and disease. Here are a few tips on taking care of yourself once you have been discharged from the hospital.

Rest: Childbirth can be exhausting. You need to allow yourself some time to rest. As much as possible, limit the number of visitors because this will add to your exhaustion. When your baby is asleep, use that opportunity for a nap.

Lifting: You need to avoid lifting heavy objects following childbirth. Don't lift anything that’s heavier than your baby. This can lead to injuries particularly if you just left the hospital you’re your childbirth involved a surgical procedure to your perineum or abdomen.

Get help: Family, relatives and friends are all usually happy to help you out following the birth of a baby. Let them know that you need them to help you through the early days, particularly if your husband is at work. They can help you out with simple thinks such as cooking, laundry or babysitting older children.

Stay clean: Make sure to wash your hands after doing anything in order to lower the chances of infection that can be passed along to your child. It's important that you do this particularly after using the toilet or after changing a diaper.

Healthy diet: Continue to eat healthfully like you did while pregnant. Don't resume drinking alcohol or beverages high in caffeine. Your diet will affect your baby’s health if you’re breastfeeding. Also, take a vitamin supplement to make sure you're getting enough nutrition.

Stay hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Exercise: Strenuous activities aren’t recommended immediately following childbirth. Start with moderate exercise like a short walk around your neighborhood. Exercise will give you the energy and strength you need to deal with your young baby.

Get a checkup: Visit your obstetrician about a week following delivery to make sure everything is healing properly.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Vaginal Skin Tags: What To Do

No one is at ease discussing vaginal skin tags particularly in social gatherings. This could also be the reason why some people who suffer from the condition are reluctant to visit their doctors about their condition.

In most cases, vaginal skin tags are benign skin growths, which means they aren't cancerous or life threatening. There is no requirement to have them removed but because they aren't particularly appealing in appearance, many women choose to get rid of them. Your gynecologist can remove them in one treatment. Local anesthetic may be sufficient for the procedure, even though in some instances general anesthetic is used. Your gynecologist will decide which type to use.

Because vaginal skin tags appear in sensitive area, many women choose not to remove them. They don’t want to visit their doctor they're embarrassed. Nevertheless, you must check on them every once in a while. If they become larger, you need to see a doctor right away because they might have become cancerous. Make sure you keep a watchful eye on them.

If you pay attention, you'll become aware that your skin tags have a tendency to swell up during your periods due to the hormonal changes taking place. But don’t be concerned about the skin tags bursting. When your period is over, they will shrink again to their original size.

Generally, vaginal skin tags aren’t painful but when twisted they become tender and uncomfortable. For example, if it catches on your underwear or rubs against adjacent skin, you'll feel some pain. If the discomfort is ongoing, it might be a good idea to remove them. This procedure is usually classified as cosmetic surgery and you will likely have to pay for it yourself.

Skin tags are usually by cutting them off, which must be done by a skilled professional. If your vaginal skin tags are uncomfortable or painful, you really have to go through with the procedure or you'll go on suffering.

Most people will never see your vaginal skin tags, however many women who have this condition want them gone. These days, there's not need to be embarrassed about the problem. And really, only you and your doctor have to be aware of it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lose Your Stress: Just Say No

The lives of many women these days are unbelievably busy. Their schedules are overflowing. Between work and responsibilities at home, it’s very hard to strike the right balance and get any time to yourself to relax. But yet you keep taking on more and more responsibilities. Maybe you're the person your family calls when they need emotional support. Do your friends phone you up all the time to discuss their problems? Are you the first person called when a replacement is needed for the kids' carpool?

Lots of women have a difficult time saying no unless they have a good excuse. But what happens if you simply don’t want to do something you're being asked to do? Maybe you’re too exhausted to bake cookies for the kids' bake sale. Do you say something? Not likely, if you’re one of those people who always get taken advantage of. You can’t depend on your family, friends, or colleagues to realize if you're overburdened. That's your job to figure out.

It’s good to be caring, involved and helpful, but if it’s leading to high stress levels because you can never have enough time to yourself, it can soon become more than a personal issue. It can be damaging to your health, both physical and mental. You need to learn how to make yourself your first priority and let others have only what you can spare. Remember, there's only so much you can do until you have nothing left, and no reserves to fall back on when you collapse.

Sometimes people will take advantage of you deliberately because they’re too lazy to handle their own problems. But you’re not doing them any favors by taking over for them whenever they call. Being a caregiver means you need to learn to take care of yourself first. Then you’ll be better able to meet other people’s needs.

You have to make a conscious effort to get time to yourself. Turn off the phone, both the cell and the landline. Shut down the computer, and just relax with your favorite activity. If you’re out shopping or enjoying a meal at a restaurant, there's no need for people to interrupt your enjoyment and your chance to lose your stress.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's Triggering Your Migraine Headaches?

If you suffer from migraine headaches you are well aware that there are few things more painful or longer lasting than a migraine. And women are much more prone to this problem than men. In fact, up to 25 percent of women suffer from migraines, and they outnumber men three to one in the likelihood of experiencing these painful headaches. A migraine can come up on you from out of nowhere, but is frequently triggered by undue stress and anxiety.

Because it can happen so quickly, it's difficult to figure out what you might do to keep it from occurring. Once you have it, all you can think about is the pain which is almost impossible to deal with. You need to become more knowledgeable regarding the signs and symptoms that precede your migraine headaches. Start a headache diary in which you make a note of the date, time and circumstances in which your migraine headache attacked.

Also write down what you were doing and what kind of mood you were in when the pain arrived. After a while, you should be able to compare your notes from and try to find things that the headaches had in common. Maybe you were short of sleep and overworked. Trying to do more than your body can handle can lead to high stress levels, which are a frequent cause of migraines.

Fluorescent lighting, which is ubiquitous in the workplace, can also be a trigger for migraines. If your job has you working in a room with fluorescent lighting, purchase a desk lamp that uses a full spectrum light bulb. Switch off the lights overhead and just rely on the light from your lamp.

Everyday noises that you would generally be unaware of can sound like you're in the depths of a subway when you're suffering from a migraine headache. If you're unable to hide away from the noise, use earplugs to reduce the impact. These are available at any drugstore and aren't expensive. So keep some handy at all times.

Each migraine is different and you might discover that particular foods can help ease the pain, or conversely, make it last longer. For example, limit the amount of caffeine you consume through soft drinks and coffee. Carbonated drinks are also known to increase the pain. Choose instead to consume pure fruit and vegetable juices. They are both nutritionally better for you and they have some detox properties. Many people don't feel like eating while they have a migraine, but if you can keep some liquids down you'll get some nutrition from these juices.

Taking some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication at the first sign of pain might be useful to halt the flow of prostaglandin, a chemical produced in your body that leads to pain and fever. You can easily purchase NSAIDs in the form of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen in a number of different brand names. If this doesn’t give you any relief, then you will have to visit your doctor and see if you can get a prescription for a more powerful pain killer.

There are no guaranteed migraine remedies but if you're well prepared, you should be able to minimize your pain and get through it with less discomfort.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Eating Right to Manage Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is actually quite common, with many pregnant women experiencing this condition. In fact, incidents of gestational diabetes are on the rise. Gestational diabetes is inclined to show up near the end of the second trimester or sometime in the third. There are some factors that may make some women more inclined to develop this ailment during pregnancy that you will want to be aware of, and you should also be aware of the symptoms of gestational diabetes.

Once you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes by a physician, he or she will give you some recommendations to manage the condition. One of the most important things you are going to have to pay attention to is what you are eating, and you will be given the guidelines for a proper gestational diabetes diet.

By following a gestational diabetes diet you will have to make some changes to the way you are currently eating in order to keep your blood sugar stable. The purpose of eating this way is to keep the problem manageable until your baby is delivered. This way both you and your new little one will be in good health and experience the least amount of risk.

As part of a gestational diabetes diet, the most important thing is to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. These are critical in order to make sure your blood sugar levels remain stable. They're also important to ensure that both you and your fetus get the best nutrition in order to thrive. It's equally important to eat plenty of whole grain products. All of these foods are will keep your blood sugar from rising too quickly following a meal because they are unrefined, natural products. Of course, milk is essential to a healthy pregnancy because your body needs lots of calcium. Many women would normally choose skim milk, which is low in fat and less likely to cause you to gain weight during your pregnancy. However, you also need fat in your diet, so your doctor might recommend that you drink full fat milk.

Gestational diabetes isn't a permanent form of the illness so if you manage it carefully during your pregnancy you can be back to normal after you've delivered your baby. Make sure that are cautious and aware and that your obstetrician knows any symptoms you may be experiencing. Anything that seems unusual should be brought to his or her attention, not just for your health but that of your fetus.

Most often, if you are diagnosed as having gestational diabetes, you will have to learn to manage the condition for the remainder of your pregnancy. Following the birth of your baby, however, your blood sugar levels should go back to normal. Of course your doctor will examine you following delivery to make sure everything is ok, and will deal with any issues that may arise.