Friday, May 15, 2009

Consider the Risks Before Having Cosmetic Surgery

In the medical field these days, cosmetic surgery is among the leading surgical procedures. Because of new, innovative techniques as well as improved surgical techniques, cosmetic surgery is considered to be safe and effective.

However, although rare, there are still risks and potential complications, just as there is with any surgical procedure.

The chances of experiencing complications when undergoing cosmetic surgery depend a lot on the type of procedure being undertaken. Another consideration is the patient's structure and wellness.

Here is a list of a few of the typical risks and complications that are linked to cosmetic surgery:

* Bleeding - Bleeding is quite typical within the 24 hours immediately following a surgical procedure and can sometimes lead to complications. On occasion, blood will pool and collect beneath the skin to create what is known as a hematoma. It might cause you to have to make a second trip to the operating room in order to drain it. As well, a large hematoma can place you at risk of further complications such as infection, necrosis and wound separation.

* Possible adverse reactions – The sutures used to stitch you up following the surgical procedure are foreign substances. Therefore it's not unusual for the body to experience an adverse reaction to them. Problems such as spitting sutures, abscesses and granulomas may occur. If left untreated, further infection may develop.

* Necrosis - This is a process wherein body tissue dies as a result of oxygen deprivation. Higher risk operations have an increased risk for the patient to develop necrosis. These procedures include breast reduction surgery, tummy tucks and face lifts.

These are just a few of the potential risks involved in cosmetic surgery. Be sure to discuss the risks with your surgeon and don't proceed until all your questions are answered to your satisfaction.

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