Monday, May 11, 2009

Taking Care of Your Health After Childbirth

Childbirth is one of the most wonderful things a woman can experience, and also one of the most painful. But the instant your baby appears, you will feel a kind of happiness that nothing can compare to. You'll be caught up in taking of your baby for some time to come, but it's still important that you take care of yourself. Keep in mind that your personal health is critical to keep both you and your baby protected from illness and disease. Here are a few tips on taking care of yourself once you have been discharged from the hospital.

Rest: Childbirth can be exhausting. You need to allow yourself some time to rest. As much as possible, limit the number of visitors because this will add to your exhaustion. When your baby is asleep, use that opportunity for a nap.

Lifting: You need to avoid lifting heavy objects following childbirth. Don't lift anything that’s heavier than your baby. This can lead to injuries particularly if you just left the hospital you’re your childbirth involved a surgical procedure to your perineum or abdomen.

Get help: Family, relatives and friends are all usually happy to help you out following the birth of a baby. Let them know that you need them to help you through the early days, particularly if your husband is at work. They can help you out with simple thinks such as cooking, laundry or babysitting older children.

Stay clean: Make sure to wash your hands after doing anything in order to lower the chances of infection that can be passed along to your child. It's important that you do this particularly after using the toilet or after changing a diaper.

Healthy diet: Continue to eat healthfully like you did while pregnant. Don't resume drinking alcohol or beverages high in caffeine. Your diet will affect your baby’s health if you’re breastfeeding. Also, take a vitamin supplement to make sure you're getting enough nutrition.

Stay hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Exercise: Strenuous activities aren’t recommended immediately following childbirth. Start with moderate exercise like a short walk around your neighborhood. Exercise will give you the energy and strength you need to deal with your young baby.

Get a checkup: Visit your obstetrician about a week following delivery to make sure everything is healing properly.

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