Friday, May 8, 2009

Vaginal Skin Tags: What To Do

No one is at ease discussing vaginal skin tags particularly in social gatherings. This could also be the reason why some people who suffer from the condition are reluctant to visit their doctors about their condition.

In most cases, vaginal skin tags are benign skin growths, which means they aren't cancerous or life threatening. There is no requirement to have them removed but because they aren't particularly appealing in appearance, many women choose to get rid of them. Your gynecologist can remove them in one treatment. Local anesthetic may be sufficient for the procedure, even though in some instances general anesthetic is used. Your gynecologist will decide which type to use.

Because vaginal skin tags appear in sensitive area, many women choose not to remove them. They don’t want to visit their doctor they're embarrassed. Nevertheless, you must check on them every once in a while. If they become larger, you need to see a doctor right away because they might have become cancerous. Make sure you keep a watchful eye on them.

If you pay attention, you'll become aware that your skin tags have a tendency to swell up during your periods due to the hormonal changes taking place. But don’t be concerned about the skin tags bursting. When your period is over, they will shrink again to their original size.

Generally, vaginal skin tags aren’t painful but when twisted they become tender and uncomfortable. For example, if it catches on your underwear or rubs against adjacent skin, you'll feel some pain. If the discomfort is ongoing, it might be a good idea to remove them. This procedure is usually classified as cosmetic surgery and you will likely have to pay for it yourself.

Skin tags are usually by cutting them off, which must be done by a skilled professional. If your vaginal skin tags are uncomfortable or painful, you really have to go through with the procedure or you'll go on suffering.

Most people will never see your vaginal skin tags, however many women who have this condition want them gone. These days, there's not need to be embarrassed about the problem. And really, only you and your doctor have to be aware of it.

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