Monday, April 27, 2009

The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Pregnant Women

Expectant moms seem to experience more than their share of pain and discomfort while pregnant. It begins in the first trimester and doesn't let up until the delivery is over. Although it's perfectly normal for a pregnant woman to have aches and pains, there's nothing wrong with trying to get some relief from the discomfort. As the pregnancy progresses and the problems seem to mount up, including frequent back aches and joint pain, they need to find some way to ease their misery.

Luckily, massage therapy is the ideal solution. But not just any kind of massage. Pregnancy massage therapy is quite different from a regular massage provided at your spa. The massage therapist must be highly knowledgeable regarding the particular needs of a pregnant woman. Pregnancy massage therapy must be performed so that there is no harm done to the fetus. The pregnant woman's body must be carefully positioned and the proper intensity used in order to do the most good and not create more problems than she had to start with.

The major therapeutic benefit of massage therapy during pregnancy is that it stimulates the joints and muscles to function more efficiently and improves the blood circulation. As well, a professional massage can do amazing things to ease the fatigue, both mental and physical, that an expectant mother frequently suffers with.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it's perfectly safe to get a normal massage at the day spa or regular massage therapist. But once you're into the fourth month it's important that only pregnancy massage therapy be utilized, and make sure it's done by a professionally trained massage therapist.

Actually, many obstetricians will recommend that their pregnant patients have pregnancy massage therapy once a month. This can help to relax their bodies and their minds, and the improved flexibility will be helpful when it comes time to deliver the baby.

Pregnancy massage therapy is useful both during pregnancy as well as following the birth of the baby. In the end, the benefits of pregnancy massage therapy make it an ideal activity to get the new mom ready for the big event at the end of nine months.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain is a Popular Combination

Just about everyone has observed a pregnant woman holding a hand to her lower back as she stands or walks. If she isn't doing that, she's probably massaging her tummy. When you're protruding to the extent that you are in the later months of pregnancy, you just can't seem to help yourself from trying to soothe the pain in your back.

There are a number of reasons why you experience more lower back pain during pregnancy. First of all, your body is manufacturing hormones in quantities that are generally higher than normal. One of the primary hormones produced by your system is known as relaxin. This is the hormone that assists your pelvic joints and ligaments to relax so that your baby can fit through the birth canal. However, it doesn’t only loosen things up during childbirth. It's also doing its thing right through your pregnancy, which is what produces the awkward waddle that is so common among expectant mothers.

As well, since your uterus is growing ever larger, it shifts your center of gravity. Your have to be more cautious when exercising, even going for a walk, and become accustomed to balancing your body in a new way. While you go about your daily routine, the ligaments that keep your uterus in place are becoming more relaxed, and they will pull on your spine and back muscles. Since these muscles weren't really created to handle the extra weight of your uterus, your spine and the muscles in your back have to do their part. And that's why you get lower back pain when you're pregnant.

You need to make sure you get regular, moderate exercise when you're pregnant. This will help protect your from lower back pain and make you generally more comfortable. Do some pelvic tilts, either standing or on the floor. These are often recommended as a good exercise to do when pregnant in order to help ease your lower back pain.

You can also get some relief for pregnancy back pain by maintaining good posture. Of course, that bulge on the front of your body makes it difficult to maintain your balance sometimes, but you can still focus on remaining upright with your shoulders back.

If you already have a child in the house, be extra careful about not picking her up using your back for leverage. Don't bend at the waist, and use your legs to lower and lift your body. If you have to pick something up off the floor, squat and then use your legs to get back up. This will protect your back and reduce the chances of suffering from lower back pain during pregnancy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Anti-Aging Skin Care Products Can Make a Difference

For some women, it might seem like they just finished celebrating their thirtieth birthday when no sooner do those fine lines start showing up on their face. Even though your skin might start aging too soon for your liking, there is some good news in the situation. These days, there are more choices than ever in anti-aging skin care that will get rid of those distressing changes to your skin for at least a while longer. Regardless of if you choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure or use a cream or serum, it's easier than ever to look younger than you are.

The choices are endless once you start examining cosmetic procedures for anti-aging skin care. A popular treatment these days is kin resurfacing, which is a great way to say goodbye to those fine lines. There are actually several ways to approach this procedure, including dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing. Any of these has its pros and cons, so you need to consult with your doctor before deciding on an anti-aging skin care that's best for your situation. Some skin resurfacing procedures have only minimal discomfort and they don't require you to take time off work, making them ideal for today's busy women.

Another popular treatment is the use of injections. Botox injections will cause the muscles in your face to become paralyzed, eliminating the fine lines and wrinkles that your facial expressions can produce. A wrinkle filler will plump up your skin and eliminate lines. You're sure to find some sort of injection treatment that will suit your needs. With all the new developments in this field, some of these injection treatments don't even require that you undergo allergy testing like you would have had to not so long ago. Most of these injections are entirely safe and don't involve much time to recover. However, they will need to be repeated on a regular basis if you want to keep up the appearance.

In the past, cosmetic treatments were the only way to make a serious change to your skin, these days you don't have to visit a cosmetologist in order to enjoy skin that appears much younger than it is. There's a huge assortment of anti-aging skin care products that you can purchase at your local store and apply to your skin, oftentimes with amazing results. For instance, one ingredient that is contained in a number of anti-aging creams is known as argireline. This product has been clinically demonstrated to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by up to 30 percent. Other ingredients that are very promising are matrixyl and collagen. These products plump up the skin and encourage the production of collagen to fill in the grooves. If you use these products on a daily basis, your skin will remain smooth and soft at a reasonable cost.

Regardless of what kind of anti aging skin care you decide to go with, there's sure to be something that will help you look better and feel better about your appearance.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Are Genital Warts

Everyone always warns you about sexually transmitted diseases and how difficult they can be to deal with. From middle school on, you hear that you should always be careful about who you choose to sleep with because you can catch something from them. And you really should listen, because one of those sexually transmitted diseases is a painful condition known as genital warts.

Genital warts are just that – warts that develop in the genital area, either on or around the anus, vagina or penis. Genital warts are caused by an infection by some types of human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. In fact, the two HPV subtypes that account for nearly 90% of genital wart cases are subtypes 6 and 11. By the time they reach age 50, around 80% of women will have been infected with some form of HPV, but only a few strains will actually cause genital warts. It should be noted, however, that these two strains of HPV, while they do cause genital warts, are considered very low-risk when it comes to cancer development.

For females, the symptoms of genital warts are fairly obvious. Painful warts develop in clusters and spread into large masses of warts all around the genital area. They can develop both outside and inside the vagina. Inside, they occur on the opening to the womb, the cervix. In men, genital warts are typically present on or around the tip of the penis, but they can also develop along the shaft or even on the scrotum. Both males and females may also develop genital warts around the anus. It is even possible – although less common – for genital warts to develop inside the mouth or throat due to oral sex as well.

Genital warts, as an STD, are spread by sexual intercourse. If you have unprotected sex with someone who has HPV, there’s a very high chance they will infect you with it as well. Any type of sexual intercourse, whether it’s oral, anal or vaginal presents a risk.

Once you catch HPV, you can’t get rid of it. The virus continues to live inside your skin. That’s why once you develop genital warts there is a chance they will develop again. While there is treatment available for genital warts, all doctors can do is get rid of the warts themselves. Chances are you will have to have the procedures done more than once. That’s why it’s extremely important to always practice safe sex – once you catch this particular STD, you’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Botox Injections: Know the Facts First

Who hasn't heard of Botox injections to eliminate wrinkles? Celebrities and housewives alike have undergone this procedure in order to get rid of unwanted lines on their faces. If you're considering doing the same, you need to ask yourself if you're really prepared to go this route in order to achieve younger looking skin. Everyone will eventually look old no matter how much assistance you get from modern dermatology. Really, you're just slowing down the process. But if you're convinced that Botox is the treatment for you, make sure you understand everything that's involved first. Here's a look at some facts and precautions about using Botox injections.

1. Botox is known for removing wrinkles. But it won't diminish other common skin problems such as age spots, sun damage and pigmentation changes. It also won't soften your skin if your main concern is its roughness.

2. Botox is a costly procedure. If you really want to undergo Botox injections, you have to save up for it. And be prepared for more than one procedure. You will likely have to repeat the treatment after a few months depending on your skin's reaction.

3. It's a risky procedure, particularly if you don't get the right doctor. The procedure entails the injection of toxins into your skin. Not everybody has the same reaction to these substances.

4. Make sure to inform your doctor in advance of any medications and nutritional supplements that you are taking. He or she has to be informed about your overall health so they can assess if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

5. Warning: If the treatment isn't done properly, you might end up with more rather than fewer unwanted lines.

6. This treatment isn't suitable for sensitive skin and delicate veins. Botox involves injections which you might not be able to tolerate physically.

Undergoing Botox injections for wrinkles must be considered carefully before you commit yourself. How far are you willing to go to be beautiful? You have to be prepared for whatever happens. Make sure to do thorough research about the treatment, even before you visit a dermatologist. Ask around and find the best specialist in your area. Trust is important when you're seeking a more youthful appearance through Botox injections.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Learn to Spot the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

A high percentage of women are at risk of being affected by a vaginal yeast infection. Almost 50 percent of women affected by this condition have reported experiencing the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection more than once in their lifetime. It is indeed very necessary that you learn all about what the symptoms are and how to identify them. You need to know how to go about treating the symptoms.

The better informed a woman is in regard to symptoms of vaginal yeast infection the better will be her chances of coping with the problem whenever it arises. There are certain very common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. Many symptoms of a yeast infection are quite obvious, including excessive itchiness in and around the vagina.

Sometimes the itching of a yeast infection is intermittent. When the condition is severe, the itchiness is almost unbearable and will sometimes impair movement. Some of the common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include redness, swelling, irritation and a burning sensation in the vaginal area. A woman with a yeast infection will urinate more frequently and feel some pain while doing so. Sexual intercourse becomes highly uncomfortable because of the pain in the vagina.

Another symptom of a yeast infection is an unusual discharge from the vagina that smells like fresh bread or yeast and looks like cottage cheese.

Some women will only develop one or two of these symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. It's unusual for all the symptoms to develop at the same time. Once you discover the symptoms of a yeast infection you need to get your physician or gynecologist to examine you and diagnose your condition. Once your have a confirmed diagnose, an appropriate course of treatment will be recommended that will help ease the pain and discomfort.

The typical cures for this condition include over the counter treatments, natural yeast infection cures, or in severe cases your doctor might prescribe a medication. One or more of these options should help eliminate the symptoms of this painful condition.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Using Chinese Herbal Medicine for Fertility

As a woman increases in age, her uterus and ovaries don't function as efficiently as they used to do. There is also a reduction in the hormone levels that are necessary in order to become pregnant. Chinese herbal medicine has been used to treat these fertility issues not only in older women, but also in younger women who have had problems getting pregnant in the past. Fertility has been promoted through Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and has been documented by different doctors who have used it.

Natural herbal medicine is now becoming more widely accepted in the west as individuals are seeing the benefits of a more natural and holistic approach to medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is being used in conjunction with modern medical practices as a better combination that reaches all levels of the individual's health issues rather than just treating the surface of the problem. Chinese herbal medicine uses a more holistic approach in that it looks at the foods that the person eats, the exercise program that they are on, the climate they live in, their body type and more. By examining more than just the problems that the person is presenting for treatment, the doctors can recommend a change in the person's lifestyle that will help to bring their body back into alignment so that it can naturally stay in good health.

Studies have shown that Chinese herbal medicine for fertility has helped to increase the blood flow in the uterus and the ovaries, especially in older women. In addition, the endocrine hormones have also shown an increase in the women's bodies that have used this type of treatment. The endometrial lining has also shown improvement, thickening so that it is better suited for conception and pregnancy to result. Each case of fertility issues has to be examined by a Chinese herbal medicine expert so that the proper treatment can be prescribed. There is not one particular method or treatment that will work with all women since each woman's body is different and the particular energy blockage is different for each woman. As a result, each woman with fertility issues will receive a different Chinese herbal medicine recommendation and treatment plan so that her chances of becoming pregnant become higher.

Some doctors will use Chinese herbal medicine fertility treatments in conjunction with other fertility procedures since the woman's body is more receptive to the impregnating process with the treatment than without it in most cases.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Finding Heartburn Relief During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a whole host of symptoms along with it, and some are less pleasant than others. Heartburn is a common complaint, especially during the later months of pregnancy when an inflated tummy can put additional pressure on the base of the esophagus. Even during the early months, pregnancy hormones can send your digestive system off track and even those who have never experienced heartburn before may begin to recognize the all two familiar burning and bitter taste in the mouth. The good news is that heartburn doesn't have to be a constant companion during those nine months. There are a number of options in heartburn relief during pregnancy that can keep those uncomfortable symptoms at bay so you can enjoy more restful days and nights.

One of the easiest methods of relieving heartburn during pregnancy is a few simple lifestyle changes that will make it more difficult for those symptoms to rear their heads. First, cut back on the amount of food you eat at a sitting, since fuller stomachs can mean a greater chance of heartburn. Instead of eating three big meals a day, try eating five or six smaller ones. It is also a good idea to avoid eating too close to bedtime, since lying down with a full stomach can also increase your risk for heartburn. If you find the painful burning sensation keeping you up at night, try raising the head of your bed a few inches for overnight heartburn relief during pregnancy. If these simple lifestyle changes do not work, there are some over the counter medications you can try as well.

Most doctors agree that antacids are safe to take for heartburn relief during pregnancy, but it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any type of medication. Antacids provide immediate heartburn relief by neutralizing the acid in the stomach so that it doesn't create the painful burning sensation. The best heartburn relief during pregnancy is an antacid made from calcium carbonate that also contains magnesium. Stay away from antacids that contain aluminum during pregnancy, since this ingredient can be constipating.

If antacids don't seem to do the trick, there are other over the counter medications available. Some of these will block acid production to bring heartburn relief and prevent symptoms from coming back. However, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor before trying any of these methods of heartburn relief during pregnancy to ensure the medication you choose will be safe for both you and your baby.

Heartburn is a typical problem during those nine months, but you don't have to suffer through it. There are many options in heartburn relief during pregnancy that will keep those painful symptoms at bay so you can rest easier.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stretch Mark Prevention Creams: What You Should Know

Nobody enjoys having stretch marks, but if you are pregnant, or have lost weight suddenly, it's highly likely that you will develop these unsightly lines on various parts of your body. Ninety percent of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy, usually appearing during the fifth or sixth month. Genetics play an essential role in deciding whether or not you will develop stretch marks.

Stretch marks start out as pink or red colored marks on the stretched skin, and over time, the color changes to silvery white. Keeping the skin moisturized with the help of stretch mark prevention creams is the best way to keep them at bay. There are some specialized creams available that keep the skin elastic and supple, and also serve as food for the skin. These creams have oils and vitamins that enhance the production of collagen, and provide support to the dermis, keeping the skin intact despite overstretching.

Massaging the skin with stretch mark creams also improves your blood circulation. Use the cream after bath to moisturize the skin. Moisturize your abdomen, thighs, and breasts, which are the most common areas where stretch marks appear. It is also essential to continue the regime after the delivery, until you are back to your normal weight.

Choose stretch mark prevention creams that contain almond oil, cocoa butter, shea butter or wheat germ oil, as they penetrate the skin well and provide excellent moisture. Make sure that the cream you use is all natural and safe. Before using any cream, consult a specialist

Some people feel that the common brands of these creams found in the regular stores are not pure enough. It is better to buy pure cocoa butter from a health food store and grate it with a cheese grater. Heat it in the microwave, and once melted, mix it with vitamin A, vitamin E or shea butter, and apply on your body.

As well as using stretch mark prevention creams, it is also essential to eat a well-balanced, varied diet so that weight gain is contained. Balance your meals so that you get complete nutrition. Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated.

When it comes to stretch marks, prevention is the key to the cure. Eliminating stretch marks isn't easy, and sometimes it takes months before they fade. Some stretch marks creams do a fantastic job of preventing skin damage, and noticeably improve the appearance of scarring. Establish a skin care routine, and stick to it. Keep your routine simple, so that you can maintain it in the long run.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Learn More About HPV Female Genital Warts

HPV is one of the most frequently contracted sexually transmitted diseases, and so it is one that you are definitely going to want to be educated on, that is for certain. While there is no cure for genital warts, there are various treatments that are available but these are going to have to be used for the long term.

Just as with any other sexually transmitted disease, you should be smart and taking all the proper precautions towards not contracting an STD in the first place, but since this is not always the case and mistakes do happen, at least you should be aware of what HPV female genital warts are.

HPV female genital warts are caused by the virus known as HPV, or the Human Papillomavirus. There are actually more than 100 types of HPV that a person can develop, and there are some which result in warts, and these warts can be passed on from one person to another. They are very contagious, and so if you ever find that you are suffering from genital warts, you want to abstain from all sexual activity until you have got the situation sorted.

If you have HPV female genital warts, the first step that you want to take is to get in and see your doctor. They are going to be able to examine the HPV female genital warts and see how serious the problem is. Then they are going to be able to work with you on this and make sure that you are going ahead with the right treatment method.

You have to be aware that even when the HPV female genital warts go away, the disease is still there. However the purpose of treatment is no reduce the number of warts that you have or at least make sure that they go away as quickly as possible.

Therefore you are always going to have to keep an eye on yourself and your body and make sure that you are looking out for more warts in the future. Your doctor is going to have to do routine checkups and they will need to examine inside as well because genital warts can occur on the cervix and other areas of the body.

Make sure that you are educated on this and that you know what the disease is all about so that you know how to deal with it properly.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Female Hair Loss: You're Not Alone

It is surprising to learn that as many as thirty million people suffer from hair loss. And a surprising percentage of this number consists of women. It is a problem that is not all that easy to deal with. If the individual is a woman who suffers from hair loss, then she is not alone. All people lose between 50 and 100 hair cysts a day and that is natural. In the case of hair loss in women the reasons for the problem include stress and insufficient amount of iron as well as the poor condition of their scalps as too anemia and even because of problems with kidneys, thyroid, liver and more.

To prevent female hair loss, avoid all hair care products which contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfates, and petroleum. They contain contents which have been soundly inspected by the professionals and fallouts may likewise happen during their use. These will all damage the hair and consider it or not, can be seen in "natural" hair products. A good thumb rule is: Don't purchase it if one cannot judge the components.In addition, to ensure hair loss prevention for women you need to ensure that you are hygienic in your habits and that your hair is always kept clean and is well looked after. It's important to realize the significance of this. Here's something else you need to consider. Don't be fooled into purchasing the oil extract products because they are not the same and do not stop hair loss as well as essential oils.

It's always important to do some research. Here's something else you need to consider. Hair loss might be associated to medicines that one is taking. Another hair loss prevention tip for women is to avoid using drugs, especially those drugs that are not allowed and those that are not absolutely necessary. One of which is the consumption of birth control pills. So be certain to have the doctor counter check on all of the medicines to see if they are adding to the hair loss.

The hair loss products for women are prescription medicines available in the market. Revivogen is a radical, all-natural hair loss product for women in the combat against hair loss. Revivogen is grounded on the most recent medical comes out into the reason and treatment of hair loss and is produced with natural ingredients that have been scientific proven to decrease DHT production, barricade the androgen sense organ and induce hair growth.

Hair loss can be because of many things. Even emotional upheaval and stress can lead to hair loss in women as too can menstruation, illnesses as well as insufficient vitamins and lack of proper nutrition.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What is Perimenopause and Menopause?

In the beginning we await the curse; the onset of womanhood. In our later years, we experience the change. Does it necessarily follow this is the end of womanhood? No, but the two are synonymous. Perimenopause and menopause may be the end of the second cycle of life; but it is also the beginning of another. What is perimenopause and menopause?

Perimenopause is the time when hormonal changes occur in your body. Beginning in your late 30’s, 40’s and early 50’s, a disruption in your menstrual cycle may occur many times before menopause. If you are currently experiencing symptoms such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, hot flashes, sleep disruption, headaches, dry eyes, hair loss, and weight gain, or extreme emotional distress, you can be assured that these are all common signs of perimenopause. The hormonal changes which occur during perimenopause are responsible for many of these symptoms. For some, most of the symptoms only last for a few months. For others, no symptoms occur. What’s left is mild to severe symptoms. Generally, however, many women feel uneasy during this time; hot flashes, palpitations, fatigue, mood swings and even irrational thinking are among the many signs accompanying perimenopause.

Perimenopause does not often segue into menopause right away. Depending upon the woman, it could take months to years before menopause occurs. However, the symptoms are influenced by lifestyle. Have you been engaged in a proper diet and exercise regimen? Has stress been a major factor in your life? Do you drink or smoke in excess? Any of these factors can play an important part on the type of symptoms and their severity.

After a period of time, you will eventually become menopausal. What is menopause? It is that point in time, without having had a menstrual period for one year, you are considered to be in the menopause cycle. While the average ages is considered to be around 52; menopause can occur at any time between 30 and 60 years of age. The cycle of menopause can either be difficult or easy. For example: let’s assume you haven’t had a period for 6 months. Suddenly, in the 7th month it appears. Yikes! Conversely, your period stops and doesn’t return at all for a year. Easy! It depends upon the woman; it’s as simple as that.

The symptoms accompanying menopause can be difficult or easy as well. Some women experience no symptoms, while others are plagued with hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, spotting, and the full range of mood swings which invariably occur. Why is there such a wide gap in response to menopause? It is the hormonal imbalances and changes that cause the fluctuation. In addition, diet, lifestyle and genetics also play a major role in determining what type of symptom response will occur.

While perimenopause and menopause are natural to a women’s life cycle, neither have to be looked upon with fear or trepidation. Instead, view them both as the beginning of a new phase in your life cycle.