Monday, April 13, 2009

Using Chinese Herbal Medicine for Fertility

As a woman increases in age, her uterus and ovaries don't function as efficiently as they used to do. There is also a reduction in the hormone levels that are necessary in order to become pregnant. Chinese herbal medicine has been used to treat these fertility issues not only in older women, but also in younger women who have had problems getting pregnant in the past. Fertility has been promoted through Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and has been documented by different doctors who have used it.

Natural herbal medicine is now becoming more widely accepted in the west as individuals are seeing the benefits of a more natural and holistic approach to medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is being used in conjunction with modern medical practices as a better combination that reaches all levels of the individual's health issues rather than just treating the surface of the problem. Chinese herbal medicine uses a more holistic approach in that it looks at the foods that the person eats, the exercise program that they are on, the climate they live in, their body type and more. By examining more than just the problems that the person is presenting for treatment, the doctors can recommend a change in the person's lifestyle that will help to bring their body back into alignment so that it can naturally stay in good health.

Studies have shown that Chinese herbal medicine for fertility has helped to increase the blood flow in the uterus and the ovaries, especially in older women. In addition, the endocrine hormones have also shown an increase in the women's bodies that have used this type of treatment. The endometrial lining has also shown improvement, thickening so that it is better suited for conception and pregnancy to result. Each case of fertility issues has to be examined by a Chinese herbal medicine expert so that the proper treatment can be prescribed. There is not one particular method or treatment that will work with all women since each woman's body is different and the particular energy blockage is different for each woman. As a result, each woman with fertility issues will receive a different Chinese herbal medicine recommendation and treatment plan so that her chances of becoming pregnant become higher.

Some doctors will use Chinese herbal medicine fertility treatments in conjunction with other fertility procedures since the woman's body is more receptive to the impregnating process with the treatment than without it in most cases.

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