Thursday, April 16, 2009

Learn to Spot the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

A high percentage of women are at risk of being affected by a vaginal yeast infection. Almost 50 percent of women affected by this condition have reported experiencing the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection more than once in their lifetime. It is indeed very necessary that you learn all about what the symptoms are and how to identify them. You need to know how to go about treating the symptoms.

The better informed a woman is in regard to symptoms of vaginal yeast infection the better will be her chances of coping with the problem whenever it arises. There are certain very common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. Many symptoms of a yeast infection are quite obvious, including excessive itchiness in and around the vagina.

Sometimes the itching of a yeast infection is intermittent. When the condition is severe, the itchiness is almost unbearable and will sometimes impair movement. Some of the common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include redness, swelling, irritation and a burning sensation in the vaginal area. A woman with a yeast infection will urinate more frequently and feel some pain while doing so. Sexual intercourse becomes highly uncomfortable because of the pain in the vagina.

Another symptom of a yeast infection is an unusual discharge from the vagina that smells like fresh bread or yeast and looks like cottage cheese.

Some women will only develop one or two of these symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. It's unusual for all the symptoms to develop at the same time. Once you discover the symptoms of a yeast infection you need to get your physician or gynecologist to examine you and diagnose your condition. Once your have a confirmed diagnose, an appropriate course of treatment will be recommended that will help ease the pain and discomfort.

The typical cures for this condition include over the counter treatments, natural yeast infection cures, or in severe cases your doctor might prescribe a medication. One or more of these options should help eliminate the symptoms of this painful condition.

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