Friday, April 10, 2009

Learn More About HPV Female Genital Warts

HPV is one of the most frequently contracted sexually transmitted diseases, and so it is one that you are definitely going to want to be educated on, that is for certain. While there is no cure for genital warts, there are various treatments that are available but these are going to have to be used for the long term.

Just as with any other sexually transmitted disease, you should be smart and taking all the proper precautions towards not contracting an STD in the first place, but since this is not always the case and mistakes do happen, at least you should be aware of what HPV female genital warts are.

HPV female genital warts are caused by the virus known as HPV, or the Human Papillomavirus. There are actually more than 100 types of HPV that a person can develop, and there are some which result in warts, and these warts can be passed on from one person to another. They are very contagious, and so if you ever find that you are suffering from genital warts, you want to abstain from all sexual activity until you have got the situation sorted.

If you have HPV female genital warts, the first step that you want to take is to get in and see your doctor. They are going to be able to examine the HPV female genital warts and see how serious the problem is. Then they are going to be able to work with you on this and make sure that you are going ahead with the right treatment method.

You have to be aware that even when the HPV female genital warts go away, the disease is still there. However the purpose of treatment is no reduce the number of warts that you have or at least make sure that they go away as quickly as possible.

Therefore you are always going to have to keep an eye on yourself and your body and make sure that you are looking out for more warts in the future. Your doctor is going to have to do routine checkups and they will need to examine inside as well because genital warts can occur on the cervix and other areas of the body.

Make sure that you are educated on this and that you know what the disease is all about so that you know how to deal with it properly.

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