Saturday, April 18, 2009

Botox Injections: Know the Facts First

Who hasn't heard of Botox injections to eliminate wrinkles? Celebrities and housewives alike have undergone this procedure in order to get rid of unwanted lines on their faces. If you're considering doing the same, you need to ask yourself if you're really prepared to go this route in order to achieve younger looking skin. Everyone will eventually look old no matter how much assistance you get from modern dermatology. Really, you're just slowing down the process. But if you're convinced that Botox is the treatment for you, make sure you understand everything that's involved first. Here's a look at some facts and precautions about using Botox injections.

1. Botox is known for removing wrinkles. But it won't diminish other common skin problems such as age spots, sun damage and pigmentation changes. It also won't soften your skin if your main concern is its roughness.

2. Botox is a costly procedure. If you really want to undergo Botox injections, you have to save up for it. And be prepared for more than one procedure. You will likely have to repeat the treatment after a few months depending on your skin's reaction.

3. It's a risky procedure, particularly if you don't get the right doctor. The procedure entails the injection of toxins into your skin. Not everybody has the same reaction to these substances.

4. Make sure to inform your doctor in advance of any medications and nutritional supplements that you are taking. He or she has to be informed about your overall health so they can assess if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

5. Warning: If the treatment isn't done properly, you might end up with more rather than fewer unwanted lines.

6. This treatment isn't suitable for sensitive skin and delicate veins. Botox involves injections which you might not be able to tolerate physically.

Undergoing Botox injections for wrinkles must be considered carefully before you commit yourself. How far are you willing to go to be beautiful? You have to be prepared for whatever happens. Make sure to do thorough research about the treatment, even before you visit a dermatologist. Ask around and find the best specialist in your area. Trust is important when you're seeking a more youthful appearance through Botox injections.

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